Retinol: is it more than an internet fad?

If you’re anything like me (and millions of others), you’ve probably found yourself more than once down the rabbit hole that is YouTube and videos of celebrities and skin specialists filming their skin care routines, and you’ve drawn inspiration to incorporate into your routine.

One popular step in the skincare routine that I’ve noted many times online, is Retinol.

In this month’s issue of Retail Pharmacy Assistants magazine we explored just how retinol works, and who’s skin it actually works best for.

What is retinol? 

“Retinol is a form of vitamin A,” says Dr Jo-Ann See, dermatologist from Central Sydney Dermatology.

“It’s weaker than other vitamin A derivatives, called retinoids, which are available on prescription.”

Dr See says retinol will work better for those with normal to oily skin.

“If people have dry skin, using a moisturiser can help, along with the retinol. However, there is more on this shortly.

“There are many presumed skincare benefits of vitamin A, including increasing cell turnover, which can make the skin surface feel smoother and look clearer.

“It has anti-aging benefits and is said to increase collagen production, as well as correcting pigmentation over time.”

Is it safe?

Dr See adds that a small group of people who have especially sensitive skin, “such as rosacea or eczema sufferers”, may be unable to “tolerate topical retinol”.

“Anyone pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid retinol and other vitamin A derivatives, as they can cross the placental barrier and potentially lead to birth defects.”

It’s important for pharmacy assistants to brush up on the latest in skincare and beauty trends, to ensure that their customers are made aware of the possible dangers in certain ingredients.

To read the full article, head to the October issue of  Retail Pharmacy Assistants magazine