Staying beautiful inside and out the natural way

Staying beautiful inside and out the natural way

If ever people have been thankful for access to beauty products at pharmacies it’s been during COVID-19, where pharmacies have provided a welcome reprieve from lockdown and social distancing.

While some have let themselves go a bit during the pandemic, others have found that keeping up appearances, even just for themselves or their immediate family, has done them the world of good in terms of remaining positive and upbeat.

Keeping up appearances spans increased interest in eco-friendly, cruelty-free and vegan beauty products, including ones with hemp-derived ingredients, says Stay Well Pharmacy owner Mark Webster.

However, Mr Webster points out that even though “natural” and “organic” cosmetics appear to be the rage, he finds that some customers have difficulty with the price tags that accompany them.

“They’re usually expensive, especially for customers who come to my pharmacy in a lower socio-economic area. So, invariably we put up those types of ranges that don’t sell that well because people can’t afford them.”

He adds that he’s also noticed that currently, customers are especially concerned with safe contact in terms of cosmetics applicators and packaging, which pharmacies should be aware of.

As to hemp, the global market for CBD cosmetics and skincare products, including online, is growing exponentially, with predictions that it’s worth will be well over $3,484 million by 2026.

The focus on natural, sustainably ingredients sourced in beauty products is espoused by Sarah Jane Adams.

At age 65, with an Instagram following of 187,000 and a personality brimming with confidence and creativity, Sarah Jane rose to fame, acclaim and influencer status through her authentic, stylish and quirky portrayal of self, and words of simplicity based on self-love and inner joy, that speak to the hearts of so many across the age spectrum.

During and out of lockdown Sarah Jane says she starts the day with a stretching routine, which forms a small part of her practice in the morning, including yoga.

As to her skin care regime Sarah Jane says she senses and observes her skin, which she believes should be the basis for any beauty regime.

“Doing this reveals that I need more moisturiser and less exfoliation as the seasons change from summer to winter. I have also discovered serums and face masks, which I enjoy using from time to time.”

Sarah Jane’s products of choice are A’kin’s Gentle Exfoliating Facial Scrub, which, in the spring and summer, she uses every day but now every other day, and the A’kin day and night moisturiser. If her skin is feeling particularly dry though, she’ll use the A’kin night moisturiser during the day.

“The last time I was at Priceline, I was introduced to a Skin Physics Dragon’s Blood Hydration Maximiser Mask, which is a simple, cost-effective, botanical face mask,” says Sarah Jane.

“My message to everyone is to accept your body and take the best care of it in the most natural way possible. Drink water, especially now, in the change of season. Spend time in the sun and do things that bring you joy – often to be found in the small everyday moments of life like walking, breathing in plenty of fresh air, gardening and stretching.”