Welcoming men to the skincare game

Long gone are the days when a man would be satisfied using a ‘three-in-one’ body wash that somehow cleaned his hair, face and body all with one squeeze of the bottle.

It’s 2023 and if you look through a man’s bathroom cupboard, he’s likely to have a little more than just a pair of tweezers.

The modern man invests time in his grooming rituals, which involves skincare. Some of the beauty trends in skin care that men have been turning to recently are discussed here.

Head first into caring for skin 

Differences between male and female skin types, according to Dermalogica, include that men are known to produce more collagen, which means they retain hydrating, plumper skin better than women do. Additionally, their skin is around 25 per cent thicker than a woman’s and a lot tougher texturally.1

Along with hydration, producing more collagen aids as an anti-ageing factor, which is why males should exhibit more youthful features than a woman. However, due to males not being as sun savvy as women, their skin doesn’t reap the benefits of extra collagen and can suffer from severe sun damage, which will result in a drier, more leathery and tired skin base.1

With men now keen to lift their skincare game, social media has an influence because it exposes men to the benefits of a good regime in this area, giving them that final push to jump on the bandwagon.

Steps for beginners 

While we know men have joined the chat when it comes to skincare, you don’t want to guide them at first with anything other than basic skin care tips and advice that they can follow to achieve glowing, hydrated skin.

These are the steps to suggest for “the best skincare routine for men – if such a thing exists”:2

Step 1: Cleanse. Just like women, men should cleanse their skin at the start and end of the day. To cleanse the face, they should simply use a face wash to get rid of any dirt and oils that may have built up on the skin throughout the day, as well as clean the face in the morning of any built-up dirt from overnight.

Step 2: Exfoliate. This step needs to happen only once or twice a week, as exfoliating can dry out the skin. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and creates a brighter, clearer and smoother base.

Step 3: Moisturise. Moisturising the skin day and night is key to maintaining hydrated skin. It helps preserve the skin’s natural moisture and to lock this in throughout the day, preventing it from drying out.

Step 4: Apply sunscreen. Under the Australian sun, some of the world’s worst skin damage is done to both men and women. In such conditions, the skin should be kept safe at all costs. A simple SPF50-plus sunscreen to apply over moisturiser will help protect the skin from turning leathery.

The PA’s role 

As a pharmacy assistant, you’re in a fantastic position to help customise the skincare routines of those visiting the pharmacy, by finding out what their skincare goals are, or in the case of many men, guiding them on this, because they may not be sure of what their goals should be.

Ask about what they want to improve with their skin, which may involve:

  • Reducing acne.
  • Achieving an even skin tone.
  • Hydrating the skin.

Combine this new-goal knowledge with your existing knowledge of the skincare and beauty products throughout your pharmacy and you’ll be able to offer solid options for your customer.

Be sure not to over-complicate. Suggest only the minimum of what is required – unless, of course, the customer is seeking more details. By providing them with a benchmark that they can reach daily with their skin care, you’ll increase the likelihood of them getting the best results.


  1. ‘Is a man’s skin really different from a woman’s?’ dermalogica.com/blogs/living-skin/is-a-mans-skin-really-different-from-a-womans#:~:text=Besides%20having%20facial%20hair%2C%20there,man’s%20skin%20texture%20is%20tougher.
  2. Hurley A. 2022. ‘This is the best skin care routine for men (even for beginners)’. gq.com/story/best-skin-care-routine-for-men

This feature was originally published in the June issue of Retail Pharmacy Assistants e-magazine. 

Feature image: Shutterstock.