Empowering PAs at PA2023

The Pharmacy Assistant National Conference (PA2023) takes place this week (31 August – 2 September) in Sydney, with the pivotal event expected to empower pharmacy assistants with knowledge and industry information.

The conference program is packed with sessions by highly-regarded practitioners covering topics including advancing the pharmaceutical conversation for integrative approaches.

One such session will be led by the highly accomplished and award-winning international pharmacist, Bobby Mehta.

The session titled Exploring ubiquinol’s multifaceted health impact: Mitochondria, heart and fertility, sponsored by Kaneka Corporation and in partnership with BioCeuticals.

It will explore the scientific case for the benefits of supplementation with antioxidants such as ubiquinol and its range of health functions, including its potential role in improving energy production and improving fatigue.

Mr Mehta will provide insights and education about the latest natural approaches to heart health, mitochondrial health, male reproductive health and supporting the effects of ageing.

The session is scheduled for Friday 1 September 2023, between 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm and will be held in the Maritime Ballroom 4 at the Hyatt Regency.

PAs play a pivotal role in shaping the future of community pharmacy.

PA2023 aims to inspire attendees to embrace the health challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and to envision innovative solutions.

To find out more, visit: pharmacyassistants.com