Healthcare employees will be second-most resilient to AI

As AI technology continues to advance rapidly an analysis of Australian job postings on Indeed found that around one in five jobs face a ‘high exposure’ to generative AI, meaning tools such as ChatGPT can perform at least 80 per cent of the skills required in those jobs at a ‘good’ or ‘excellent level.’

Although AI will undoubtedly impact jobs, workers believe some industries will be more resilient than others. Skilled tradespeople are perceived as the least susceptible to displacement by technology, according to 44 per cent of Australians. Following closely behind in second place is the healthcare industry – with 37 per cent of Aussies believing healthcare employees will be resilient to AI.

Conversely, roles such as business strategists and analysts, data scientists and analysts, and customer service representatives are deemed the least likely to remain unaffected by AI advancements.

Sally McKibbin, Career Expert at Indeed said, “Australians are known for their can-do attitude and this rings true in their arms-wide-open approach to using AI in the workplace.”

“Aussie workers demonstrate remarkable confidence in their ability to adjust to the changes AI will bring to their jobs. In fact, we rank as the third most AI self-assured workforce globally, trailing just behind India and the US.”

“Despite acknowledging that AI may cost more jobs than it will create and will change the work they do, the majority of Aussies are not worried—and many are actually excited—about stepping up to the challenges AI will bring, even when working in industries most likely to be impacted.”

“nvesting in AI training for employees—particularly those in roles or industries that face high exposure to AI—will mean an organisation is better equipped to navigate and adapt to future workforce changes.”