University students encouraged to ReachOut this exam season

As many students across the country are gearing up for exam season and may be currently experiencing unhealthy levels of exam and study stress.

ReachOut’s exam and study stress insights for university students found 70 per cent of university students surveyed said study stress had a moderate to major impact on their emotional or mental well-being in the last 12 months.

Senior Psychologist Linda Williams Clinic lead at Youth Mental health service ReachOut said,
“At this time of year, we know that many uni students will be experiencing stress about study and exams. Data from ReachOut shows that for some young people that stress is contributing to poor sleep and feelings of loneliness – both of which can impact mental health and academic performance. It is also clear that for some young people the cost of living is contributing to their exam stress at this time – ReachOut’s data shows that 80% of uni students are concerned about their finances or the cost of living.

“We want to remind young people to take a proactive approach to their mental health right now. For example, thinking about sleep hygiene and keeping in touch with support networks can help manage feelings of stress. Seeking support is also really important from places like ReachOut, making an appointment with your GP or looking at what support is available via your uni,” she said.

ReachOut has a range of support for students to help them manage exam stress including information, tips, an online community and one-to-one peer support via ReachOut PeerChat.

Parents and carers can play an important role in helping young people manage exam and study stress. For tips, information and support parents and carers can visit ReachOut Parents.