Mindfulness offers hope for endometriosis relief

Painting, gardening, and finding your Zen could offer new hope for endometriosis sufferers, reducing surgery rates and enhancing long term pain management.

In Australia, endometriosis affects at least one in 7 females, a progressive, chronic and incurable condition. Over the past decade, the rate of hospitalisations for the condition has doubled among women aged 20-24.

Exercise & Sports Science Australia, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Esme Soan said there has been a positive shift in patients using exercise and mindfulness as medicine to manage their pain.

“The severity of endometriosis-related pain isn’t always linked to the size or number of lesions. Many sufferers find that pain persists even after surgical removal of endometriosis or hormonal treatments to halt menstruation,” said the Pear Exercise Physiology Director.

“This persistence can be attributed to changes in the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, explaining why traditional treatments often fall short in providing relief.

“Calming your nervous system by painting, walking in nature, and meditation can play a big part in ongoing pain management.”

Esme’s Brisbane exercise physiology clinic has seen an increase of patients turning to exercise and mindfulness for long term support and treatment.

“Using exercise that is individualised to you is so important,” she said.

“Everyone is unique in their own body, strengths, weaknesses and endo pains. It’s so important to work with your accredited exercise physiologist on what works best for your long-term pain management.

“Everyone’s cycle is different, in fact, you may no longer experience a regular bleed, but the more you learn how to work with your own rhythms and fluctuations in your cycle, the more we can support your body with movement medicine.”