You oat to know

What calls for the terrible pun combined with a Morrissette classic?

The revealing of all benefits that oats have on your skin!

In the April issue of Retail Pharmacy Assistants magazine, Retail Pharmacy Assistant, Bradley Miller spilled what his top tips are for maintaining healthy skincare, while living in areas impacted by the Australian bushfires.

“A good skincare routine is a vital way of keeping your skin looking and feeling fresh, and it doesn’t need to be hard,” explains Mr Miller.

“My personal favourite is recommending oatmeal based and natural ingredient products,”

So why would anyone take the oats they put in their bowl and put it on their face?

The truth is, oatmeal has been used for centuries as a soothing agent to relieve itch and irritation¹.

Oats are also known for treating:

  • Skin rashes
  • Erythema
  • Burns
  • Eczema
  • Severely dry skin².

In 1945, a ready-to-use colloidal oatmeal, produced by finely grinding the oat and boiling it to extract the colloidal material, became available¹.

Today the colloidal oatmeal is used in various formats, such as powders for the bath, shampoos, shaving gels and moisturising creams¹.

So for those experiencing eczema or dry skin, keep any eye out for the products that have oats listed in the ingredients.

Click here to read the full article Beware of the air, vital for skincare.