Meet Margaret Marchewka from Wizard Pharmacy Garden City

Meet  Margaret Marchewka from Wizard Pharmacy Garden City
 We chat with the Western Australian-based PA who leads by example in empathising with customers and supporting those in need. She discusses her role, her career, her advice to other pharmacy assistants, and more.

If you could describe pharmacy assistants in three words, what would they be? Caring, empathetic and knowledgeable.

 Tell us about your background, how you came to work in retail pharmacy, and your current position/role. I have worked in pharmacy for over 50 years (25 years with Wizard Pharmacy). When I first started my career, pharmacists used typewriters to dispense prescriptions. Now, we have robots helping! It was my first job after leaving school. I was employed as a junior pharmacy assistant, progressing to a dispensary assistant, buyer, and cosmetics, and now I am Customer Service Co-ordinator.

Your career progression happens with experience and good role models to learn from, willingness to learn, knowledge and opportunities to progress. Also, having passion for your role and modelling behaviours we expect of others.


What have been some of the highlights in your career so far? The amazing people I have worked with – seeing them grow their careers within our pharmacy group, or even moving on to other careers outside pharmacy, is very rewarding. Also, our wonderful, loyal customer interactions. We often see our customers at their most vulnerable. First impressions count; we need to show compassion and care. I try to remember something about them, and when I see them next time, it’s something I can talk to them about. It makes the customer feel valued, and that we are interested in them as people, not just customers.

With the help of customers raising money for Wizard’s chosen charity, Starlight Children’s Foundation, it is amazing.

Collecting gifts over the festive season for the Path of Hope charity for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence against women is widely covered in the news now and needs to stop! Anything Wizard Pharmacy does to help these most vulnerable people is amazing! I’m so proud Wizard Pharmacy helps this group.


More broadly, what impact do you think pharmacy assistants have within the wider pharmacy industry? Pharmacy assistants are usually the first and last people customers see, so first and last impressions are key. Customers will form an opinion quite quickly. We need to be clear about Wizard Pharmacy’s values and purpose and respect all.


How important is ongoing professional development for retail pharmacy assistants? Knowledge is valuable, and new products are constantly coming into pharmacies. We need to know about products, how they work, and what they do so we can offer full solutions for our customers’ needs and confidence. You never stop learning, and we all learn something new every day.


How would you describe working as a retail pharmacy assistant to anyone new/considering the profession? If you are a people person and you like helping people, this is the job for you. There are plenty of opportunities to further your career in pharmacy and Wizard Pharmacy Services. There is on-the-job training, a great team and managers, and a very supportive environment. It is very rewarding the way we help our customers.


What is your advice to other retail pharmacy assistants in terms of achieving career goals? Lead by example, ask questions, and seek information from supervisors and managers on what you need to do to further your career. Wizard Pharmacy Services offers many training opportunities to help employees further their careers.

Retail pharmacy (and the healthcare industry) has faced some serious challenges over the last few years. What are some of the things that helped you and your team members get through these difficult times? What’s your advice on overcoming challenges? Our biggest challenge is COVID-19, the fear of the unknown. I am proud of the way Wizard Pharmacy Management handled this with swiftness. We separated our teams into two working groups to limit the possible spread of COVID-19. As part of the front-line workers, we could keep our pharmacy open. Offering contact-free home delivery for prescriptions and other wellness essentials. Click and collect options to limit the time spent outside the home. Clear screen barriers at the registers to protect customers and staff. Pharmacy social distancing signage, hand sanitiser. Using the COVID-19 App. Pharmacists are giving COVID-19 injections, and all teams are vaccinating. There are still challenges with COVID-19. We understand it a lot better and can take steps to limit passing on infections.

Where do you see the industry headed in the next few years? Technology is changing, so with robots helping dispense prescriptions, anything is possible. I can see pharmacists offering many more services to relieve the pressure on the demanding health system and pharmacy assistants supporting pharmacists in managing their workload.