CHP celebrate 50 years


Consumer Healthcare Products (CHP) Australia, the leading voice for nonprescription medicines and non-prescription health products has marked five decades of advocating for responsible self-care and growth.

Australia’s non-prescription medicines industry generated approximately $8 billion in domestic sales and $2 billion in export revenue annually.

Today 9 out of 10 Australians regularly use nonprescription medicines, supported by an industry offering more than 14,000 products. Every dollar spent on non-prescription products saves the Australian economy four dollars.

Deon Schoombie, CEO of CHP Australia, will retire next month after 14 years at CHP after being instrumental in advocating for self-care to be formally acknowledged as an integral part of the public health system and greater recognition for self-medication as an essential part of self-care.

“For 50 years, CHP Australia has been at the forefront of advocating for the availability and safe use of nonprescription medicines. Our efforts have not only enabled Australians to take charge of their health through responsible self-care but have also contributed significantly to the Australian economy. Our industry plays a crucial role in the nation’s economic and social fabric.

“I have always believed that responsible self-care is vital in improving individual and public health outcomes and contributing towards creating a sustainable health and care system, and I’m passionate about raising health literacy to support Australians to practice responsible self-care. It has been a privilege to be able to lead an organisation with a mission that aligns so closely to my own personal beliefs.

“As we celebrate this milestone and I pass the CEO baton on, we reaffirm our commitment to advocating for robust healthcare policies that deliver evidence-based solutions, promote health literacy, and enhance self-medication capabilities,” said Schoombie.

Key achievements throughout CHP’s 50 years include advocating for access to nonprescription medicines and expanding product availability, supporting the growth of the industry, promoting the importance of health literacy and self-care, policy advocacy and industry representation, significant economic contribution, and delivering educational campaigns and raising public awareness.