Caring for carers: a new innovative program

An innovation pilot program of the National Centre for Healthy Aging (NCHA), a partnership between Monash University and Peninsula Health, is providing much-needed support for older Australian carers.

In an Australian first, the Carer Health and Wellbeing Service, led by Monash University Rehabilitation, ageing, and Independent Living Research Centre (RAIL) and Clinical Leaders from Peninsula Health, is supporting carers aged 50 years or more who provide informal care to older people aged 65 years and over.

This group of carers may also face their own aged-related physical and/or mental health issues. This is the first service of its kind to focus on carers aged 50 years or more to improve their health and wellbeing, helping them sustain their carer role in better health.

The free interdisciplinary service run by peninsula health, includes a social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist and physiotherapist. Between them the team have the expertise and ability to support carers and identify their goals.

Principal investigator Dr Aislinn Lalor of Monash University’s Rehabilitation, Ageing and Independent Living Research Centre (RAIL) said “carers of older people provide essential support for those they care for to remain at home.”

Co-investigator and ageing expert Professor Keith Hill said this care saved billions of dollars of public funds every year, “However, carers often do this while neglecting their own health and wellbeing,” he said.

Peninsula Health’s Director of Community and Ambulatory Services, Iain Edwards, said initial research identified a real gap in available supports for carers.

“This service bridges the gap by identifying the particular needs of the carer to enable them to care more effectively. This may be through addressing some of the emotional and psychological impacts that can occur, as the person being cared for might now be quite different. Then through Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy support, we are able to help with the logistics around making caring easier, whilst maintaining the physical health and wellbeing of the carer.”