The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch has confirmed its new branch committee member elects for 2020–2023.
Branch President Professor Trent Twomey welcomes its new branch committee representatives – Manj Singh for Wide Bay Burnett and Andy Hawken for Central Queensland.
Professor Twomey was re-elected as the branch committee member for Far North Queensland. Re-elected branch committee members for the Brisbane region include Chris Owen, Kos Sclavos, Rick Xynias, Amanda Seeto, and Fiona Watson.
Re-elected branch committee members across Queensland include Cate Whalan (North Queensland), Lucy Walker (South West Queensland), James Lester (Sunshine Coast), and Paul Jaffar (Gold Coast).
Professor Twomey says that throughout 2020 community pharmacies have adopted many potentially life-saving legislation measures and changes, including:

- the supply of medication under the Continued Dispensing – Emergency Measure determination,
- the Drug Therapy Protocol – Communicable Disease Program to allow therapeutic substitution and Covid-19 vaccine administration,
- image-based prescription legislation to ensure medications remained convenient and effective throughout the pandemic,
- fast-tracking the implementation of ePrescriptions, and
- changes to the Queensland Pharmacist Vaccination Standard.
Participating community pharmacists are also taking part in the groundbreaking Urinary Tract Infection Pharmacy Pilot – Queensland, which launched in June 2020.
The pilot will advance women’s healthcare and help to reduce 20,000 potentially preventable urinary tract and kidney infections hospitalisations.
“Thank you to our out-going branch committee members Allan Milostic and Vikesh Kumar who served our members in Central Queensland and Wide Bay Burnett for the past three years. It’s not goodbye yet as Allan and Vikesh will continue on the branch committee until the end of February 2021,” Professor Twomey says.
The pilot will advance women’s healthcare and help to reduce 20,000 potentially preventable urinary tract and kidney infections hospitalisations.
“Thank you to our out-going branch committee members Allan Milostic and Vikesh Kumar who served our members in Central Queensland and Wide Bay Burnett for the past three years. It’s not goodbye yet as Allan and Vikesh will continue on the branch committee until the end of February 2021,” Professor Twomey says.