Professor Trent Twomey has been declared by the National Council of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia as the organisation’s next National President.

“This is truly an honour and I enthusiastically look forward to supporting our members and community pharmacy nationally,” says Professor Twomey about being elected to the esteemed position of National President of the Guild.
“I will be working hard to ensure community pharmacists are allowed to work to their full scope of practice in the interests of patients and the future of our primary healthcare sector.
“This will enable community pharmacies to deliver more services to patients and help ease pressure on other areas of the primary healthcare sector.”
Professor Twomey says that it’s time community pharmacists “are universally recognised as primary health professionals and it is imperative that our Governments and colleagues in other areas of primary healthcare recognise us as we do them”.
“Such recognition will also ensure the skills and expertise of community pharmacists are better and more fully utilised,” he says.
Professor Twomey pays tribute to outgoing National President George Tambassis.
“George held the position for seven years and successfully led the Guild and our members over the last seven years during which we’ve seen many changes for our sector and profession,” he says.
“He has been at the helm for the negotiation and implementation of two Community Pharmacy Agreements, which have strengthened the foundations of the profession and helped to ensure the future of the community pharmacy sector,” says Professor Twomey.
“His commitment to community pharmacy and our patients follows a long line of distinguished National Presidents and I am proud to be able to follow a pharmacy leader of such achievement and high standing.”
‘The right person for the job’
Congratulating Professor Twomey on his election, Mr Tambassis says that it is “a great honour being elected National President, a position that comes with immense responsibilities”.
“But it also comes with great opportunities – opportunities, which can be realised with the assistance of members and the broader industry who are there to help and advise.
“He [Professor Twomey] will enjoy the privilege and honour of serving community pharmacists and our patients. With more than 10 years of experience on National Council, Professor Twomey is the right person for the job,” says Mr Tambassis.
Having travelled extensively nationally and overseas to study and experience the many issues facing pharmacy and the healthcare sector more broadly, Mr Tambassis says this puts Professor Twomey “in good stead” for the job.
“He is bringing that knowledge to the National Presidency at a time when the profession is preparing to take up their role in the delivery of the national Covid-19 vaccine rollout, together with national initiatives including continued dispensing, the rollout of electronic prescriptions and the implementation of the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement,” says Mr Tambassis.
Mr Tambassis adds that Professor Twomey’s “long-standing passion for the profession and his experience combined with the great member and stakeholder relationships he has built over time, will be key to a long and successful leadership”.
‘Committed to pharmacy’
Executive Director of the Guild Suzanne Greenwood congratulates Professor Twomey on his election, and says he brings a wide range of pharmacy and non-pharmacy experience to the role.
“I have worked closely with [Professor Twomey] over the past 18 months, particularly as we negotiated the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement, and am always impressed by his grasp of issues and his commitment to patients and to ensuring the community pharmacy is at the heart of every community,” says Ms Greenwood.
“The new presidency is always an exciting time for any organisation, and this will be a vibrant period for the Guild, our members and patients across the country.
“I look forward to working closely with Professor Twomey and the incoming National Council as we work together to seek positive outcomes for our sector and profession.”