It’s out with the ‘New Year, New Me’ approach and in with meaningful and sustainable changes in 2025, with health experts recommending that we prioritise our overall health and wellbeing this coming year.
Proactive steps to better health
With more than 22 millions Aussies visiting the GP each year, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) sees the beginning of the new year as the perfect time to take proactive steps toward better health.
RACGP President Dr Michael Wright suggests starting with the basics, such as getting a skin check.
“We’re in the middle of another hot summer, so remember to be sun smart,” he advises.
“Over 18,000 Australians are diagnosed with melanomas annually, [so] booking a GP appointment for a skin check could be lifesaving.”
Another are to consider is weight management, however, Dr Wright cautions against the ‘quick-fix’ approach.
“Many of us are tempted to try the latest crash diet. But we know that most of the quick-fix diets are ineffective in the long run,” he says.
“Making small, sustainable changes to your diet and exercise routine is a much more effective approach.”
It’s about more than just “watching the scales”!
Community pharmacies and GPs “can provide a safe space to discuss health needs and take the steps necessary to improve long-term health and well-being” and to make sustainable, lasting change, adds Dr Wright.
Prioritise your mental health
Mental health is another priority for 2025.
According to the RACGP’s Health of the Nation report, 71% of GPs list mental health as a top reason for patient consultations.
Dr Wright notes that almost half of Australians will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime, so “it’s important to get help” and seek support when needed.
For those looking to boost both physical and mental health, Dementia Australia highlights the importance of staying physically active.
Physical activity is now recognised as one of the leading modifiable risk factors for dementia, surpassing smoking and alcohol consumption.
“A sedentary lifestyle or low levels of physical activity has consistently been linked to an increased risk for neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia,” explains Dementia Australia CEO Professor Tanya Buchanan.
So, staying active benefits not just your body but also your brain!
For an accessible way to get moving, consider joining Dementia Australia’s 2025 Memory Walk & Jog.
With 28 events across the country, it’s an opportunity to prioritise your health while supporting those impacted by dementia.
Find a regular community pharmacy
And lastly, finding a regular GP and community pharmacy is another key to better health in 2025.
“There is no substitute for the high-quality care you get from a GP who knows you and your history,” says Dr Wright.
So, as we look to a great 2025 ahead, let it be the year we all prioritise our health!