Page 27 - Retail Pharmacy Assistants - October 2020
P. 27

                 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 25     Tell us a bit about yourself. Who is Scotty Farrell? I’m a husband, dad, coach, small business owner, seeker of adventure (things that scare me a bit), and life-long learner (always reading and diving in deep). My learning and growth jump between generally just being a better human, performance psychology and physical sciences, parenting (more psychology), and whatever my kids are into. We homeschool our two boys, so my life is spread between ‘schooling’ the lads, ‘work’ as a coach and small business owner, being a good husband, life on acreage, and riding my bike. If you asked my friends/family to describe me in a few words, I think they’d say things like: loyal, trustworthy, dependable, responsible, quirky, a big kid at heart, sometimes loose (in a good way), can be misconstrued as serious (but so far from it), and fun. You’re one of the head coaches at T:Zero Multisport and according to your bio, ‘it’s a special day when you realise your job is to help others fulfil their goals and dreams’. Tell us more about that and what makes helping others such a special path to lead. It’s a real privilege to have someone put their trust in you with their sporting and life goals. Without sounding all cliché, I really am stoked to have carved a path for myself where helping others to achieve goals, similar to what I’ve done personally in the past, is my ‘day job’. Being a coach or teacher (in my past life) is all about helping, guiding, and sharing knowledge, and there’s no sweeter moment than seeing the many lightbulb moments and sheer joy from athletes achieving their goals. As I grow as a coach/person, I realise more and more, that the beauty of life in general (getting into cliché again, sorry), really is about helping others. And the more you help/give, the sweeter it gets. Endurance sport is a game of just that: endurance. It’s a roller coaster ... teaching/guiding individuals to becoming not just faster athletes, but physically and mentally strong enough to handle the ups and the downs, as well as being able to see things from new perspectives, is really cool. Why is it important for everyone, including busy professionals, to make sure they’re moving every day? How can retail pharmacy assistants fit exercise into their busy schedules? We’ve all seen the advertising campaigns on how beneficial exercise is for us. Physical health, and even TO PAGE 26 “Teaching/guiding  individuals to becoming  not just faster athletes,  but physically and mentally  strong enough to handle  the ups and the downs,  as well as being able  to see things from new  perspectives, is really cool.”   RETAIL PHARMACY ASSISTANTS • OCT 2020 

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