Have you got all the holiday essentials?

A missing skincare, beauty or health product has the power to completely throw the perfect vacation!

Retail Pharmacy Assistants magazine has compiled this list of holiday essentials to ensure that those going on holiday reach maximum, stress-free relaxation.

Sun protection: this includes sunscreen, hat and sunglasses. A stinging sunburn, an awkward looking tan, an increase in sun-cancer risk? No thanks.

Page 48-49 of the latest RPA takes a look at the risks increased by too much sun exposure.

Aloe vera: just in case someone does happen to get a little sunburnt. Products containing Aloe vera a perfect for soothing the burn. Aloe vera can also help to moisturise the skin and prevent the peeling that sometimes happens with sunburn (Healthline, 2019).

Water bottle: no matter where you’re holidaying, water is important. Dehydration can cause feelings of fatigue, dizziness and less-frequent urination (MayoClinic, N.A.) To dive further into the issue of dehydration visit page 44-45 of RPA magazine.

Hand sanitiser: in the latest issue of RPA magazine Pharmacy Assistant Catherine Brandis says, “Hand sanitiser is another go-to, to encourage good hygiene, especially if you’re flying.”

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of microbes on hands (CDC, 2019).

Make up remover wipes: a facial cleanser removes dirt, oil, dead skin cells and other unwanted surface debris accumulated throughout the day (SkinCeuticals, 2017).

Facial cleansers can come in the form of wipes, and in bottles. Either way, cleansing after a long day of site seeing and exploring will ensure your skin stays clean!

 To find out more about important products to take on a holiday away, look through Retail Pharmacy Assistants magazine December.



  1. MayoClinic, N.A. Dehydration. Viewed on 17/12/19. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dehydration/symptoms-causes/syc-20354086
  2. Healthline, 2019. Why Aloe Vera for Sunburn May Be Just What You Need. Viewed on 19/12/19. https://www.healthline.com/health/skin/aloe-vera-for-sunburn
  3. CDC, 2019. Show Me the Science – When and How to Use Hand Sanitizer in Community Settings. Viewed on 19/12/19. https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/show-me-the-science-hand-sanitizer.html
  4. SkinCeuticals, 2017. How To Pick Your Facial Cleanser. Viewed on 19/12/19. https://www.skinceuticals.co.uk/skin-explained/how-to/facial-cleansers